Audition Submission
First download your side for a given role here.
You can submit for as many roles as you would like.
Each role you audition for should be its own video. For example, if you want to submit for six roles then you need to submit six videos.
You can record those videos on anything that is convenient for you, your webcam, your phone or anything else you have available. The videos do not need to be high quality. We just need to see you clearly performing the role.
Each video must start with you slating into the camera. That is at the beginning of each video clearly state your name and the role you are reading for.
The videos can be uploaded to YouTube, Dropbox, Google Drive, or any other convenient method of getting those videos to us.
All videos must be submitted by Tuesday, July 27th.
Once all the videos are reviewed by the directors, we will be reaching out to you to schedule in-person auditions in Baltimore. Those Call Backs will be scheduled in late August.
Audition Videos
Film Title *
Additional Questions
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If you have any questions, please email us at